Product with print
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■Codes – Products with print
In view of the great variety of medicines on the market, it makes sense for pharmacists and consumers alike if medicines can be visually identified. Like shape and colour, print is a very effective way of making the product clearly identifiable. However, the label is also a quality feature that must be verified by inspection systems to ensure product safety. Here, a combination of product inspection and labelling inspection is necessary.
■Recommended system for the inspection of products with print
The inspection of printed medicines includes the inspection of the product and the printed label. The product is inspected for shape, colour, position, size, volume, overfill and fragments. The print is checked for presence, completeness, legibility and quality, for example DataMatrix codes or plain text.
Software features for products with print
- High detection performance – product and label inspection with the same menu guidance and synchronised ejection signal in the event of product or print errors
- Automatic rotational position compensation of the print
- Ejection counter-checking for maximum security
Highlights of the product inspection
- All parameters can be applied simultaneously
- Best hardware and comprehensive software package based on the QNX® real-time operating system
- Depending on the product-film combination, colour or high-resolution inspection can be used – upgradeable at any time if requirements change
- Post-seal, special shapes and mixed blisters possible
- Up to 1,200 images per minute can be evaluated
Highlights of the print inspection
- Powerful, format-free greyscale system with outstanding speed and integrated illumination
- Fast evaluation through intelligent character library
- Automatic learning run and error analysis in format test
- Due to the high computing power, up to 5,000 objects can be checked
Test criteria
- Presence, completeness, legibility and quality of prints
- Codes, plain text, logos, pictograms
- On tablets, oblongs, hard and soft gelatine capsules
With pleasure we arrange an appointment with you for a personal discussion.
scanware offers code reading with accurate error analysis for all common codings.
Labels with codes and plain text are inspected or optimised within the scope of Track & Trace.
scanware offers code reading with accurate error analysis for all common codings.
The inspection of ring codes on ampoules also checks for label presence.
Visualisation, inspection and processing of DataMatrix or crypto code.
Assignment of product, package insert and folding box is done by means of labelling controls.
Characters are inspected and traced with a track & trace solution.