Mission Statement

Team values

All employees at scanware share a philosophy. This includes the following values, among others:



Communication between all management levels takes place at eye level. Both the boss and the employees are directly approachable at all times. This means that everyone can make suggestions with the knowledge that they are being listened to. The collegial interaction benefits the general atmosphere and thus forms the breeding ground that ideas need.



Every project is unique. That is why reciprocity with the client is particularly important. He knows exactly what we deliver and we know that he has what he needs. And if something cannot be implemented 1:1 as the customer has requested, then we say so openly. That creates trust.



The commitment of all colleagues is very high. In emergencies and urgent tasks, everyone is happy to stay longer. We do not leave our clients in the lurch. In the end, a solution is found with great commitment. The challenge is exactly what we enjoy.

Our fundamental principles

scanware electronic GmbH operates in economic and legal contexts which have a significant influence on the design of quality management. Important topics for the fulfilment of the purpose and strategic orientation of the company are analysed within the framework of the annual planning of scanware electronic GmbH. The results are combined in an action plan with internal and external topics of strategic and operational importance and are regularly monitored, evaluated and updated.

Interested parties are directly or indirectly connected to the performance or success of our company. Because of the important role they play in our success, we take their requirements into account in our quality planning. Their expectations of our organisation have been elicited.

The quality policy of scanware electronic GmbH results from the following objectives which are defined annually and inspected routinely:

We want to:

  • meet customer needs and increase customer satisfaction,
  • guarantee safely controlled processes and procedures,
  • promote a zero-defect strategy.


The quality management system of scanware electronic GmbH sets itself the main goal of fulfilling customer needs and increasing customer satisfaction. The satisfaction of internal and external customers should be the main focus.

The procedures developed to achieve the company’s goals are based on the requirements of DIN EN ISO 9001 and the recommendations of DIN EN ISO 9004 in the respective valid version and form the basis for our commitment to quality. We are convinced that only the effort of each individual to constantly work on improvements in their activities in coordination with their customers and suppliers can ensure lasting success. Our joint commitment results in challenging, interesting tasks for each individual employee, which, in a spirit of partnership and good interpersonal relations, lead to a high degree of satisfaction with our work.

Health and Safety Policy

scanware electronic GmbH complies with all legal requirements such as occupational health and safety law, chemical law, industrial safety law, workplace law and product safety law.

All scanware employees are insured under the statutory accident insurance (DGUV). Accordingly, all requirements of the DGUV regarding occupational safety are strictly adhered to.

The Occupational Safety Committee (ASA) is responsible for occupational safety and health. It consists of the managing director, the safety officer (external), the occupational safety specialist and the company doctor (external). In addition, the human resources department is responsible for occupational health management (OHM).

Regular tours and site visits ensure that the legal regulations are complied with, a risk assessment is carried out and suggestions for improvement regarding occupational safety and health are recorded.

All scanware employees receive initial training in accordance with BGV A1/DGUV A1 when they start work. In addition, a compulsory safety briefing takes place annually for all employees. In addition, employees receive training according to their field of work (operation of machines, handling of hazardous substances, correct lifting etc.). The training documents and information are centrally filed and available to all employees. The trained occupational safety specialist is always available to the employees as a contact person in the company.

All employees receive protective equipment appropriate to their tasks (work shoes, face masks, safety goggles, etc.).

In accordance with the DGUV, scanware has at least 10% of its employees trained as company first aiders and receives further training on a regular basis. These employees are named on the escape and rescue plans. These plans are clearly visible on all floors. In the event of an emergency, an assembly point is provided outside the building, which is known to all employees. The company premises are equipped with fire doors, fire extinguishing systems and fire detectors in accordance with the specifications. Furthermore, 6 employees have been trained as fire protection assistants.

Every accident at work must be recorded and followed up in accordance with the DGUV regulations.

scanware does not work with electrical lifting equipment, forklifts, cranes etc.. The employees do not come into contact with asbestos and weedkillers during their work. No demolition work, work underground or work with large amounts of dust is carried out.

Environmental guideline

scanware has set itself the goal of acting in harmony with our environment in all its business activities and thus making a decisive contribution to protecting and preserving it. We comply with the environmentally relevant requirements and laws. We undertake to comply with the relevant laws and regulations as well as with the requirements imposed on us with regard to environmental protection and occupational safety and, in addition, to achieve our own objectives.

  • We consider the protection of the environment and the economical use of natural resources to be our social obligation.
  • We are guided by the principle of sustainable management.
  • We use energy, raw materials and water sparingly.
  • We avoid environmental pollution such as waste, waste water, emissions and noise or keep them as low as possible.
  • We integrate all environmentally relevant business processes into our management system and are constantly looking for improvements.
  • We promote environmental awareness among our employees so that together we can protect the environment in all areas of the company and use raw materials and energy sparingly.
  • We are actively committed to a balanced relationship between ecology and economy in order to leave our children an environment worth living in.